In the Spirit of the Gracious and Compassionate
Creator of the Heavens and the Earth
Lester A. Knibbs aka Doctor Hakeem
the blind
leading the blind
leading the blind
dead contract
chosen people no more
promised land no more
cast out
for rejecting one prophet
too many
five centuries
attempting to have life
in a dead contract
one last merciful chance
a prophet warning them
and the promised messiah
but yet still
proud and resentful
this last merciful chance
the unchosen people
cast out once again
the unpromised land
you are just people
like the rest of us
if not regarding you as
special chosen people
is hateful
what are we to you?
your contract died
twenty-five centuries ago
sad and true
welcome to humanity
and stop killing
the children of Abraham
the Master is patient
not stupid
the blind
leading the blind
leading the blind
the precipice
on that day
the Master
will ask the Pit of Doom
if it is filled to the full
and the Pit of Doom
will ask for more
the precipice
the blind
leading the blind
leading the blind
the blind
leading the blind
leading the blind
a new covenant
a contract with
a new israel
led by a false prophet
who kicked the messiah
to godhood
and led his followers
he who led them astray
is a saint to them
twenty centuries
of medieval confusion
and suffering
flesh as god
flesh as god
flesh as god
crazy math
war against reason
don’t question
as if the tireless creator of
the entire vastness of the cosmos
is a man of stinky flesh
and funk
funking an earthly maiden
(a betroth-ed earthly maiden)
to save the world
save the world from what?
do you even know
what you believe?
the one who led you astray
is a saint to you
even as
following him leads you into
a pit of confusion
crime top-to-bottom
criminal pulpits criminal boards-of-directors criminal
judges criminal prosecutors criminal cops criminal
congressmen criminal senators criminal president
penniless children
millions homeless millions addicted
your-money-or-your-life imitation healthcare criminal
corporations selling us criminal imitation food
in an imitation christian society
in an imitation christian society
that accepts no responsibility for the
it creates
save the world from what?
the one who led you astray
is a saint to you
come off it
your world needs to be saved
the blind
leading the blind
leading the blind
the final prophet
dressed like any man
which he was
as he said
an ordinary man
allowing no deference
to himself
and took no offense
at being called
by his name
he delivered the message
he was chosen to deliver
and returned to his Maker
what went wrong?
twenty-nine years
after his passing
his mission was usurped
co-opted in a coup
leading millions who
barely knew the message
to believe that their mission
was to conquer the world
fourteen centuries later
desperate for salvation from
madness and confusion
i read the message
in its original language
the earth split open and
i was on one side of a
jagged crack in the ground
and all those holy and righteous
were on the other side
they claim to follow a message
they don’t even read
they follow blind leaders
following blind leaders
following blind leaders
fourteen centuries of
bearded be-robed men
in strange and fancy head-gear
some with kissy-kiss-me rings
be-titled and enthroned in
imitation pagan temples
like the imitation christian
imitation pagan temples
they are blind leaders
following blind leaders
following blind leaders
following the usurping
co-optating schemers
who took over the
mission of the messenger
instead of delivering the message
they tried to conquer the world
but the Master is not stupid
in His plan
the world conquered
now you upset
violent upset
come off it
open your eyes
and read the message
in its original language
the Master has
saved it for you
read it and share it
this world needs it
this world does not need you
to be a part of it
you do not need
to be part of this world
the ancient prophet led his people
out of pharaoh’s land
not into it
not physical location
where is your heart?
dead hearts
are the leading cause of
the blindness of
the blind following
the blind following
the blind
open your eyes
and read the message
the Master sent you
so that you can see
as the seers
joseph and moses and jonah
delivered entire nations
from the pit of confusion
be the seer
who gives sight to the blind
open your hearts to the message
in its original language
and your eyes will see
2 Jumaadaa-al-Aakhirah 1440
February 7, 2019